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By this time you should have filled out our online Volunteer Information Form. Now it's time take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. This inventory will help determine how God has uniquely gifted you for ministry. These kinds of inventories aren't always 100% correct, but they provide a great place to start. Jumping into ministry and receiving feedback from others helps confirm your spiritual gifts over time. Start the Spiritual Gifts Inventory by clicking the button below.

  • Note: There is debate among good biblical scholars concerning the definitions of some of the gifts (what exactly is the New Testament gift of prophecy?), as well as the enduring nature of some of the gifts (is the gift of tongues still being distributed by the Holy Spirit today?). We're certainly aware of these debates. The Spiritual Gifts Inventory you're about to take includes some definitions you might not agree with, and this survey doesn't include some of the more controversial gifts (tongues and healing, for example). That's OK! On the whole we really like this Spritual Gifts Inventory, though we might have some differences of opinion here and there.

  • Also, the following Spiritual Gifts Inventory is a popular one published by Lifeway Christian Resources. Usually one must print the inventory, fill it out by hand, and add up the results oneself. But, the good folks at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Rochester, MN have put it online, so all you have to do is point and click!

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With the results of your Spiritual Gifts Inventory in hand, it's now to time take the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment, click here.