We offer Sunday School Classes for all ages during the 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Hour. These classes offer a great opportunity to connect with others and grow spiritually.
Kids Sunday School Classes
- Our Preschool Classes use the Trught78 curriculum.
- Our Elementary Classes use the Gospel Project curriculum.
- Contact our Kids Director, Katie Kattner, with questions.
Student Sunday School Classes
- Our Junior High Class (6th - 8th Grade) is studying the book of Ephesians.
- Our Senior High Class (9th - 12th Grade) is studying the book of Ephesians.
- Contact our Family Director, Craig Remlinger, with questions.
Young Adult and Adult Sunday School Classes
- Young Adults Saul Gonzalez is teaching a Young Adults Class made up of College Students and Young Professionals. They're exploring Ecclesiastes.
- Our Worship Director Mark Wells is teaching through Hebrews.
- One of our Elders Matt Williamson is teaching through the gospel of Luke.
- We are having a Parenting Class in the Worship Center. Join us as we journey through the Bible using pastor and best-selling author Dr. Paul David Tripp's parenting resources to discover a different and better way to parent. After laying down foundational parenting principles, we will cover specific application for children 0-5, 6-12, and 13+
- Our Spanish Pastor, Antonio Munoz, is leading a spanish-language class discussing The Gospel of Matthew.
- Contact our Adult Ministry Diretor, Colin Michaelis, with questions.